Wehs Lahr is a Free Company based in Mist, La Noscea - the 14th Ward, plot 15.According to the owners, the company takes its name from an old group of adventurers from Dravania - alive during the time men and dragons coexisted in peace. Though it faded to obscurity, it was revived in recent times by a group of monster hunters descended from those same adventurers.Now, the company has expanded, times have changed, and leadership has changed hands. The branch in Mist now prides itself on accepting requests for more than merely monster hunting; they are adventurers through and through, and constantly seek to expand their horizons and be of use where there is either money, fame, or simply a need for their help.The company accepts not only adventurers, but also staff to help around the headquarters with cleaning, maintenance, and general upkeep of the place.

We're a group of roleplayers with a love for lore, immersion, and above all, fun. Wehs Lahr is a place for people who enjoy shorter storylines, adventuring themes, and character-driven roleplay.Membership in the in-game Free Company is not required, but is an option for those who are not already in one. What is mandatory, however, is membership of our Discord, as well as our in-game Linkshell.As some events may involve elements or language not suited for all ages or audiences, we much prefer our members to be 18+ to be on the safe side.Events do not happen on a set schedule, but rather depend on the DM hosting them. The officer team may offer short-to-medium length plotlines focused around the FC, but any member is welcome to host their own events - one-shots, personal plotlines, you name it. We thus have no grand overarching plotline, but focus on facilitating storytelling through shorter stories that invite characters to explore both the FC and each others' stories.Our officers can be contacted via Discord through #aurata_rin, #youko1 and #zerkeros, or ingame on Narumi Chihara, Youko Kiyomizu and Hilda Eruyt.

IC Guidelines

Below are some of our general preferences when it comes to IC:- We try to stick to the lore, but leave wiggle room for creativity and uniqueness within reason. We much prefer for things to be explainable within the context of the lore, and characters should not be miles above others in terms of prowess - just to keep it fun for everyone.- The FC is generally law-abiding, with room for different moralities. The company does not engage in illegal jobs or activities (at least not knowingly), but characters do not need to be good to join - there's room for someone who just wants a paycheck for doing a piece of work. As long as they're not inherently evil or nasty, we can probably work with it.- The FC takes jobs just about anywhere in the world (though mainly in Eorzea). This means the concept works better with characters capable of roaming/travelling, rather than those who mainly only stick to one part of the world.- Wehs Lahr is first and foremost a group-centric FC, which means characters often find themselves in need of working together. This does not mean characters need to get along - we are open to IC conflict (within reason) - but does mean characters will be expected to work in a group rather than going off to do their own thing.- We value characters that are in it for the long run. Being character-driven means we enjoy getting to know characters - IC and OOC - and that is much easier to do with the characters that stick around. We don't say no to character death, but this is entirely up to the player and never something we will spring on people; we'd rather see the characters live through the things we throw at them!

OOC Guidelines

- Some of us suffer from chronic shitposting, and we enjoy doing content or hanging out with each other - whether that be in Final Fantasy XIV, other games, or simply vibing in a discord VC. None of this is mandatory (least of all the shitposting), but we put emphasis on a community where people can communicate and have fun with each other, regardless of whether that's in or outside of the game.- While we're largely 18+, we're also mindful not to cause discomfort to people. Sometimes the chat gets a little too carried away, or events might involve darker/more vivid descriptions of monsters or similar. We always inform players if events may involve certain triggering topics, but otherwise, we will accommodate people if they start feeling uncomfortable with where the RP is going - if it stops being fun for the players, it stops being fun for the DM.- We operate on a simple rule of "don't be a dick, we're just here to have a good time". This means harassment of other members is not tolerated. If someone does cause discomfort and it cannot be resolved by the people involved, the officers are there to help find a solution.- There is no ERP involved in any of the FC's activities. Anything NSFW should be taken to private (with consent from all parties involved).

In addition to our selection of regular drinks and simple foods, we also offer the below at a discount on special nights!
Prices normally sit on the higher end of average, but with the discounts become much more affordable for those wanting a culinary adventure.


A hearty soup made from mystery stock (dodo. It’s dodo) and a selection of Coerthas’ finest vegetables and herbs.
Arch Demoned Eggs
Hard-boiled eggs stuffed with creamed egg yolk, mustard, and a dash of spice to set it apart from regular deviled eggs.
Cordon Coeurl
Coeurl meat wrapped around cheese, then battered and fried in oil for a crispy, golden shell. Served with spaghetti for a complete ‘whisker’ experience.
Lanner-cheese Sandwich
Slices of ground dodo liver mixed with cheese, sandwiched between two buns with a leaf of lettuce.
Antelope Escalope
Antelope meat beat tender, then battered and fried. Served with fries and slices of cucumber and tomato.
Steppe Dzoganoff
Cuts of dzo meat simmered in a savoury sauce mixed with mushrooms. Served with traditional Limsan pasta and garnished with chives.
A meatless lasagna in which the ground beef is swapped out for a selection of the season’s finest vegetables.
A ramen dish packed full with various spices from around the world. Vegetarian-friendly, but absolutely not stomach-friendly. Eat at your own risk.
A classic omelette garnished with various herbs from Wehs’ own greenhouse. We take no responsibility if those herbs still move.
Deep-fried, battered slices of vegetables and seaweed served with rice and soy sauce.


Cactuar Piss
A potent alcoholic beverage brewed from sabotender fruit. Some say it makes aldgoat herders forget they are herders, but in Wehs Lahr, it is a rite of passage. Or so they would have you believe.
Gaja Blast
A lime-flavoured, fizzy drink guaranteed to pack a punch when it comes to energy. May contain a lot of caffeine, sugar and a drop of a potion we pilfered from a member. Drink responsibly.
Bloody Morbol
A vodka-based drink mixed with tomato juice and various spices (including garlic powder), garnished with mint. Bad breath is within the realm of possibilities.
Flint and tonic
Gin and tonic water poured into a glass full of ice to prevent any sudden combustions. Garnished with slices of pink grapefruit.
Chamomole tea
Tea brewed on chamomile flowers and mixed with a generous helping of honey. Served with a little piece of chocolate shaped after a mole head.
Lemonette juice mixed with honey. Lures you in with the sweetness before the sourness kicks in.


A sweet pastry made with a generous amount of blood currants and topped with an edible marzipan crown.
Vanara Split
A banana split not in half down the length, but thrice the other way. Served with two scoops of chocolate ice cream and a generous amount of strawberry sauce for dramatic effect.
Hard candy mixing brown sugar and butter. Half are prepared with vanilla, and the other half a dash of mashed rolanberry to produce a red variant.
Layered confectionery made with a red sugar and almond-based dough on the outside, black licorice between those, and a white layer in the middle consisting of coconut, almonds and more sugar.
Bavarois (edible)
A fromage dessert consisting of cream mixed with gelatine and whipped cream. Topped with a layer of strawberry glaze, with an expression drawn in strawberry sauce at the cook’s whim.

Silvertear Cake
Courtesy of the Bannock and Rye, this artisan vanilla cake decorates the Hall on this special evening.
Not for sale!